Imprint | Space Affairs



Andreas P. Bergweiler - COO & Founder
Phone: +49 2628 - 74 92 832
Mobile: +49 176 5594 0451
E-mail: info[at]

All business activities that we have offered since the year 2000 were discontinued after the start of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine in March 2022, as we do not tolerate any violation of applicable international law and the violation of the preservation of peace between nations in any way. The website is for information purposes only.

Image Rights:
Markus Gloger, Arne Müller, Alicia V. Stevens, Rainer Unkel, Yuri Malenchenko, Christian Messe, Werner Kurt Strasser, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA, European Space Agency - ESA, European Southern Observatory - ESO, Yuri A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC), Michael Najjar, Thomas Rusch, Janneke van de Westelaken, Ton Schudelaro, Mark Rigby, Manfred Uhlig, Yuriy Glazkov, zero2infinity, Barcelona - Spain (BLOON & BLOOSTAR), Steffen Sandhöfner, Niamh Shaw, Stefan Hofmann, Andreas P. Bergweiler, SPACE AFFAIRS

Film Rights:
SPACE AFFAIRS, Hill-Media - Matthias Hill, Johannes Guttenhöfer, Yuri Glazkov, Andreas P. Bergweiler, Markus Gloger, Thomas Rusch, Michael Najjar, zero2infinity (Bloon & Bloostar), Albrecht Silberberger

SVG Graphics:
Ilyushin IL76: Creative Commons License - Original File: Ilyushin_Il-76.svg - Author: Kaboldy - Original file modified
Astronaut: Creative Commons License - Original File: FreeVector-Vector-Astronaut.svg - creator: jhonny-doomsday - original file changed

Sound Design:
Planet Sounds by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Juno Captures the 'Roar' of Jupiter - Wave Instrument of Juno (re-edited)
Plasma Waves by NASA's Van Allen Probes - EMFISIS instrument (re-edited)
Saturn's Radio Emissions - Cassini Spacecraft (re-edited)
Sounds of Jupiter - Galileo's Plasma Wave Experiment instrument (re-edited)
Sounds of a Comet Encounter - NASA's Stardust spacecraft flyby of comet Temple 1 (re-edited)
Spaceship "Tenacity" Navigation Interface - Licensed sounds collected on (re-edited)

Music "Who We Are "
"Blueprint of a Black Hole"
Composed, arranged and produced exclusively for SPACE AFFAIRS by I.J. Brighton
Birdhaus Recording Studio, Los Angeles, CA

TENACITY - The Book of Stars
The book by Andreas P. Bergweiler can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF file (German and English) in the SPACE AFFAIRS Cloud:!AtJzi-KZ4vlrgeND-msJTDcve1J4Rw

Note on the use of web browsers:
The SPACE AFFAIRS website has been optimised for the following web browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox Quantum (32 and 64bit, desktop, touch and mobile devices)
  • Google Chrome (32 and 64bit, desktop, touch and mobile devices)
  • Opera (32 and 64bit, desktop, touch and mobile devices)
  • Safari for Mac iOS (32 and 64bit, desktop, touch, and mobile)
  • Chromium (32 and 64bit, desktop, touch and mobile devices)
  • Microsoft Edge (desktop, touch and mobile devices)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Android web browser (for touch and mobile devices)

Note when using Touch Screens (Laptops/Notebooks/TV):
On some touch terminals there can be misrepresentations based on the screen resolution and other specifications of these terminals, which we cannot influence.

Language version of the SPACE AFFAIRS website:
The Web site recognises the language version set for your Web browser or Web application. For non-German web browsers, the English language version is automatically displayed. You can change this manually by clicking on the gearwheel in the upper right area next to "Contact". We currently offer German and English.

Danke. Thank you. Спасибо.
Igor Rudyaev - Walter Drasl - Vasily Popov - Vladislav Shevkunov - Astrid Möller - Sergey Prokopovic - George French († 2022) - Jeff Greason - Andrew Nelson - Chuck Lauer († 2021) - Edwin Lorse - Pamela Benne-Drasl - Kalle Vähä-Jaakkola - Kevin Holbrook - Markus Gloger - Yuri Malenchenko - Edward T. Lu - Alicia V. Stevens - Thomas Rusch - Yuri Usachev - Tasilo Römisch - Dave Riggs († 2013) - Oleg Fedorov - Robert Blatt - Dirk Effelsberg - Alex Gubanov - Ksenia Nikitonova - Elena Matveeva - Annelie Schoenmaker - Sy Liebergot - Yuri Gidzenko - Michael Najjar - Alexander Böker - Nahum - Ale de la Puente - Walter Egger - Max "The Ax" Angelelli - Andreas Rohlf († 2014) - Joachim Krüger - Thomas Lauschke - Robert Braunsteiner - Pierre Schöchlin - Thomas Stein - Joe Golightly - Werner Strasser - Vladimir Jelen - Michael Schultz - Janne van de Velde - Meindert van de Velde - Dennis Buchmann - Martin Friderich - Thomas Pedersen - Janneke van de Westelaken - Ton Schudelaro - Mark Rigby - Harro Füllgrabe - Tim Cappelmann - Alexander Ohnesorge - Shoko Takayama - Sergei Zaljotin - Angelica Stephansdotter - Boris Otter - Chang hoon Park - Thomas Kraus († 2023) - Richard Bird - Niamh Shaw - Steffen Sandhöfner - Andrey Pionchenkin - Yuri Poljakov - Sergei Kara - Galina Kislova - Attila Teri - Lena Bakhanova - Alla Razuaeva - Michael Wolf - Fabrice Schmidt - José Mariano López Urdiales - Yuri A. Gagarin († 1968) - Neil Armstrong († 2012) - Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin - Michael Collins († 2021) - Sergei Korolev († 1966)

Dennis - Nina - Jack - Max - and our dogs Henry, Neo & Luke

Moreover, thanks to all of those who remain unmentioned here without any intention. None of this would have happened without you!

Responsible for the SPACE AFFAIRS Website:
Andreas P. Bergweiler

Idea, Storyline Development and Content:
Andreas P. Bergweiler

Design, Programming, Artwork:
Markus Gloger using the Open Source Flat File CMS "GRAV"

IONOS SE – Own administrated dedicated Webservers

In memory of Andreas Rohlf († March 23, 2014 - "We own space, friend!")

© 2000 – 2024 – SPACE AFFAIRS

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